The Ultimate Coin Collecting Guide for Beginners

The Ultimate Coin Collecting Guide for Beginners
Posted on July 13, 2023 by BOLD Precious Metals

Collecting coins is an excellent hobby. However, beginners find it quite difficult, not knowing the ins and outs of it.

It is undoubtedly an easier-said-than-done task. You will need proper focus to be a successful coin collector. In addition to that, you must stay motivated even if conditions are not favorable.

It is paramount to know the basics and follow a specific process and suggestions from the experts. Talking to someone who knows about Coin Collecting may help significantly. 

Alternatively, research on the internet, and chances are you will find a helpful article like this. This article is specially designed for beginners to help them excel in Coin Collecting and follow their passion with renewed vigor.  

The fundamentals of coin collecting

Coins are available in an extensive range. There are so many countries in this world. Each country has its own currency. Therefore, with such a wide range, Coin Collecting may feel quite overwhelmed initially.

So, there is no alternative to knowing the basics of Coin Collecting to start with. 

The categories:

The best way to select a coin is to focus and specialize in a particular category. For your information, there are four major categories in Coin Collecting. 

Theme – This is perhaps the most common category followed by coin collectors and is best for beginners. 

Select a particular topic from a humongous list, which includes and is not limited to:

  • Buildings

  • Famous persons

  • Imaginary characters

  • Cars

  • Railways

  • Animals

  • Flowers

  • Landmarks

  • Military history

Are you still confused with the categories and wondering what to start with? 

You may start with a simple topic - Olympic Games, for example. You may even focus on a specific sport, such as football.

The three other categories of coins are:

  • History – This involves coins from a specific era.

  • Denomination – This is another common category that involves the value and design of the coins. 

  • Country – You may also collect coins from different countries and further specialize in history, culture, or events.

Of course, there are other categories, but those may not be suitable for a beginner. However, just to keep you informed, these categories are:

  • Proof coins

  • Commemorative coins

  • Error coins

  • Bullion coins

Getting prepared:

So, you know your area of interest. It is time now to get prepared for your Coin Collecting journey!

Start with conducting thorough research to be aware of the resources. Apart from online research, read a lot of books and journals on Coin Collecting. Such knowledge will also protect you from scams and dubious artists.

Also, learn about cleaning, maintenance, and storage of coins. This will preserve their value, which involves much more than economic value. Do not use abrasive materials or chemicals to clean coins, if you have to. It is better to talk to a numismatic expert.

Finally, create proper storage. It should be safe, secure, and good enough to preserve these fragile items. 

Using a coin tray, coin album, or coin envelopes, all made from acid-free materials, are good for storing coins. There will prevent scratches or oxidation.  

Where to find:

You will find several individuals and stores selling old coins. However, all may not be reliable. So, research properly before you choose any one of the following sources:

  • Yard sales or flea markets are also a good source of unique coins. If you are careful and know how to check the authenticity of the coins, you can get some rare gems. 

  • Antique shops, online or offline, may also store old coins. Just make sure these sources are reliable, and the items are not fake or duplicated.

  • Online dealers and e-commerce platforms may also stock coins for collection. You may try them, provided they are reliable. 

You can search for ancient coins if you are out for an adventure, especially in an old or historic site. The rate of success may be low, but it is worth trying. 

Evaluation of coins:

Finally, you should know how coins are evaluated so that your coins have a good rating and value. This will ensure you get good returns or prices if you intend to sell them at some point.

Coins are evaluated by a specialized tool called the Sheldon Scale, with 1 and 70 as its two extremes. 

Apart from the figurative value, letters are also used while rating the coins. For example, a P-1 rating signifies Poor, while an MS-70 rating implies Mint State Perfect. In short, the condition of the coin is excellent.

The worth of the coin increases with greater ratings.It will fetch a higher price while selling your coins. 

In addition to the Sheldon scale, valuers also consider several other elements, such as:

  • The type of metal

  • The year

  • Distinctive features

  • Overall condition

  • Wear and tear of the edges

All these will affect the worth or final cost of the coin. That is why storing your coins properly is very important. 

Choosing a coin:

While choosing, you must focus on the basic parts of the coin. These are the different areas that determine the value of the coin:

  • The obverse: Commonly referred to as the ‘head,’ this is where you can see an image and the year the coin was made.

  • The reverse: Commonly referred to as the ‘tail,’ this side shows the face value or the numerical value.

  • The rim: This refers to the circumference of the coin.

  • The relief: It refers to the raised design on the surface of the coin.

  • The edge: Also referred to as the ‘third side’ of the coin, it signifies the ornamental, plain, or grooved sides.

  • The legend: This is the inscription on the coin that signifies the face value and the country to which it belongs. The initials of the coin designer also feature here. 

  • The field: This is the background of the coin and usually does not have any inscriptions.

Coin collecting tips for beginners

Now, how to go about it? Here are some tips for Coin Collecting for Beginners from the experts that, if followed, will make your Coin Collecting journey relatively smooth. 

Start small:

You will not want to waste your money. Therefore, do not invest high amounts right at the outset. Instead, you should do what you do for other investments. Beginning with a little investment, progressively raise it as your expertise and confidence grow. 

Go for simple coins at first that are available at large and at a low price.

Do not deviate from your area of interest:

You must buy only those coins that you have an interest in. Do not deviate from it. Looking for something that does not conform to your coin collection themes is a sheer waste of time and, of course, money.

Collect only those coins that you are knowledgeable of. This way, you will not make any costly errors.  

Handle with care:

Use gloves made from latex or cotton when you touch the coins. Though it is made of metal, wearing gloves will protect its surface and retain its value. 

It is unwise to clean your coins regularly. This will also reduce its value. Experienced coin dealers and collectors can easily make out whether or not a coin is cleaned. They consider such coins to be ‘damaged.’

Do not rush:

You should not make any hurried decisions when you buy or sell coins. Prudent coin collectors are patient players. 

Follow their footsteps and wait for the opportune moment to buy or sell your coins. This will ensure you get the right value when you put your Coin collection for sale, giving enough time for its value appreciation. 

Join local coin clubs:

It is good for any beginner in Coin Collecting to be a member of a local coin club. If there isn’t any, look for one nearby. 

These clubs are wonderful platforms to learn more about coins and get authentic information on suitable sources to buy and sell coins. 

Take an active part in the events organized by them and mix with many people to widen your scope of getting further information on Coin Collecting.

Visit offline coin shops:

Make it a point that you visit the local coin shops personally. This will allow you to inspect and compare coins physically.

Gaining such first-hand knowledge will take you a long way.

Create a plan:

Without a proper plan, you will not succeed in your endeavor. Therefore, create a proper plan before you start.

Your plan should include fund arrangement and making a list of coins that you want to include in your collection to make it complete.

Make sure that you keep this list handy. When you have acquired one in the list, strike it off. This will save you from buying the same coins unnecessarily. It will not make your collection unique. 


Coin collecting does not need high intellect or skills but needs a lot of motivation, effort, and patience. It is certainly not a walk-in-the-park venture, especially for beginners. 

However, the information and tips offered in this post will help a beginner become a good coin collector.

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