Looking for something quirky with the oomph factor? Unorthodox but elegant - Figaro chains can be your comfort chains. This unique linking pattern unleashes your creativity in creating the perfect outfit for every outfit.
However, before building the outfit, many should understand what is a Figaro chain, and the types of Figaro chains.
Let’s clear all your questions!
These mutant chains are different from the usual chains but are often misunderstood as curb chains. However, the history of Figaro chains is pretty unique. Figaro chains originated in Italy, and since then have been prominently crafted by the Italians.
The name Figaro came from the famous Italian operas “The Barber of Seville” and the “Marriage of Figaro.” Figaro chains were and are usually worn by men with crosses or medallions. In the 18th century, its simplistic design and durability became very famous among Italian men.
The chains were usually seen worn by high-class men. They wore figaro chains while watching the opera Figaro in action.