This Argentia Winged Unicorn 10 oz Silver Ultra-High Relief Bar is produced and branded by Argentia, which combines premium silver bullion with exceptional fine art. Using .9999 fine silver from a leading LBMA refiner, each piece has "intricate ultra-high relief sculptural art die struck with a free-flowing metal process, resulting in every piece having a live edge with a unique look and feel."
From the mint: This beautiful 10 oz Silver Bar features a winged unicorn (or flying unicorn). The winged unicorn, also known as Alicorn, Alaricorn and Unipegasus, is a fictional horse with wings and a horn, and may be a variant from either the more well known fictional Pegasus, and/or unicorn. Depicted on the bar is the winged unicorn being guided though the clouds by a beautiful woman."
The obverse of the bar bears the Argentia logo and the inscriptions "10 oz . FINE SILVER .9999" in the center, which is surrounded by a pattern featuring groups of four bars surrounding a circle.
The reverse features a winged unicorn flying through the sky, ridden by a mysterious and beautiful woman. Clouds are present in the background.
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